Fantasy Football (Soccer)
Basic Rules and Team Selection
You must select 11 players when picking your Fantasy Football team without exceeding your budget.
Your team must comprise of:
Exactly 1 goalkeeper (GKP)
A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 defenders (DEF)
A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 midfielders (MID)
A minimum of 1 and 3 forwards (FWD)
You may not pick more than 3 players from one team for round contests and not more than 7 players from one team for single-match contests.
You must assign a Captain and a Vice-Captain for your team.
You can make unlimited changes to your team prior to the contest deadline.
Types of Contests
There are two types of football (soccer) contests on FantasyGo: Gameweek contests and Match contests.
Gameweek contests: Also sometimes known as Round contests. These are fantasy contests that take include multiple matches, usually taking place across multiple days. You need to pick 11 players from the teams playing in that group of matches. You can select a maximum of 3 players from one team in a gameweek contest.
Match contests: These are fantasy contests that take place over a single match. You need to pick 11 players from the two teams playing in the match. You can select a maximum of 7 players from one team in a match contest.
Note: Some special contests will have an unlimited budget feature, this will be clearly marked on the contest card.
Featured Leagues
UEFA Europa League
South African Premiership
La Liga
FA Cup
English League Cup
The English Premier League and the UEFA Champions League have their own unique points scoring systems, while all other leagues follow the same points scoring systems.
Last updated